Saturday, September 8, 2012

2011 Turing Award Lecture - Judea Pearl - Part 1

Judea Pearl presented his Turing Award Lecture at the AAAI-12 Conference on July 24 2012. The title of his one hour talk,
The Mechanization of Causal Inference: A “mini” Turing Test and Beyond
gives both a brief overview of the history, and a glimpse of the future of a field of work that holds much promise in advancing the discipline of AI. A video of the talk can be found at the ACM Turing award site here.

Pearl's earlier work in the 80's on combinatorial search lead to the book, Heuristics:Intelligent Search Strategies for Computer Problem Solving published in 1984. This was followed by, Probabilistic Reasoning in Intelligent Systems: Networks of Plausible Inference in 1988, and Causality: Models, Reasoning and Inference in 2000 of which a second edition was published in 2009.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

More On-Line Courses

Following up with my previous post, Some on-line courses, here are few more:
There are also two courses coming up at Udacity taught by Dale Evans and Sebastian Thrun
  • CS 101: Building a Search Engine
  • CS 373: Programming a Robotic Car

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Some On-Line Courses

At the end of last year I took part in the online version of the Introduction to Artificial Intelligence course presented by Sebastian Thrun and Peter Norvig from Stanford University. I participated partly out of interest, and partly to see how the course was presented. In the end it was a great experience, learning from two experts in the field who are passionate about what they are teaching was well worth the time spent. The format was simple; weekly video lectures split into roughly 10 minute segments. A great inclusion were the small quizzes during the talks, which helped test your understanding of what had just been shown or challenged you to think about a topic which was coming up. The weekly on-line assignments and two exams really added to the overall enjoyment and satisfaction of knowing how well you understood the content.
There are several interesting on-line courses now on offer starting from around February 2012. I've listed a few of them below.
I'll follow up with a few more on-line courses in the next post.