Friday, January 18, 2008

Current blog watch

Thought I would list a few blogs that I currently keep an eye on. I would be lying if I said a read a fraction of what these authors write, but those posts that I have taken the time to read have always been well worth it.
  • Pharyngula - Never a dull moment here. Great observations and comments on a range of subjects. Notably, evolution, biology, and debunking.

  • Good Math, Bad Math - Really nice articles on math and computer science related topics.

  • Bad Astronomy - Astronomy, science, and debunking. Lots a good explanations and pictures of our amazing. universe

  • physics arXiv blog - Entertaining way of keeping up to date with articles posted at arXiv.

And a special mention to The hunting of the Snark - which I only found a few days ago. Nice work Mahendra. When you publish your work I'll definitely buy a copy :)

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