Saturday, February 9, 2008

WCCI Competitions

Computational Intelligence is a field that encompasses many techniques for attempting to solve problems, well... , intelligently. Algorithms from neural networks, fuzzy systems, evolutionary computation, and swarm intelligence, as well as, hybrid approaches and formal AI techniques are used to solve problems ranging from bioinformatics and bioengineering, economics, robotics, data mining, and games. The IEEE-CIS Society plays a major role in bringing researchers together across the numerous disciplines that are involved in the field.

The IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence (WCCI) is an annual event that allows for the dissemination and exchange of new research in the area. This year it will be held in Hong Kong. One the really cool things WCCI do, is host a series of
competitions that explore the effectiveness of various techniques. These range from creating a controller for Ms Pac-Man, to solving multi-objective optimization problems. Competitions like this provide a great introduction to what computational intelligence is about.

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